More Info About Silverfish

Silverfish is a 12 to 35 millimeter long bug that is torpedo shaped and is either silver or greyish in color. Silverfish do not have wings, but have 2 long antennae attached on their head. Moreover, it also has 3 protuberance on the bug’s rear, similar to antennae. It moves in a fishlike motion. Thus, it is named as such.

Many are still ignorant about this kind of bug. They don’t know what this bug does. Is it dangerous to the household members? Most of all, they question the possibility of dangers of silverfish infestation.

One thing is sure about silverfish and that is the fact that it is harmless. The reason for this is that it doesn’t bite or sting. Moreover, it has no known venom or toxin. It is a scavenger that likes to feed on moulds and items rich in starch and dextrin. They would do no harm to any person or living being. In fact, silverfish are cowards and would run away if there’s danger.

They are not disease or parasite carrying insects. This is a good thing because many bugs like cockroaches, bed bugs and mosquitoes are known to bring various diseases to humans and animals. Therefore, there are no risks to one’s health due to silverfish.

Silverfish are known to cause damage to property. Since their diet is mainly on starch, books, papers, wallpaper, clothing and glue is considered as part of their diet for they also contain starch. Because of the damage silverfish bring, many consider: click here for more information.

Yes, silverfish may not endanger human health. But if you really care for your property, you have to be wary of this bug. Keep in mind that silverfish are damaging not to you but to your home and belongings.

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